These battles can have as many as 1000 players at the same time. The campaign moves as one side wins and the areas you fight in will differ greatly.

The game has a full open world PvP system with battlefield objectives, keeps to attack and claim, giant fortresses to siege, and endless battles throughout the world. Each class also has 3 distinct specializations, leading to 72 class subtypes. Each faction has three races, and there are a total of 24 unique classes in the game split between the factions. There are two factions, Order and Destruction. There are updates to the game every week, including new items, dungeons, quests, balance changes, events, and bug fixes. The project is not and will never be monetized. The game is completely free to play, no cash shop, no pay to win, and donations in any sort are never accepted. Now some important stuff you might need to know:

This game can not only hold our attention while we wait, but it can be damn fun at the same time. I think I'm in the same boat as many MMO players, waiting for something new to come out and reignite that old passion for the genre. I've played practically every MMO that's come out over the last 20 years, not one if them holds a candle to the PvP and open world RvR this game provides. I've been a long time player of Warhammer Online, starting in the beta in 2007, and this is honestly the best, most balanced, and stable iteration of the game ever. Many of the issues that plagued the live game have been resolved, due in part to advances in server and internet technology, and in part due to the tireless work of the completely volunteer dev team and community. The private server started shortly after as a way to keep the game alive, and has been growing and improving with each passing year. The live game eventually closed down due to more reasons than I can list here. It initially sold over a million copies, and at one point had over 800k subscribers. Many tried the game back when it launched in 2008.

All this takes place in the rich and detailed world of Warhammer. It's a free to play, private server MMORPG, with a heavy focus on realm vs realm combat, open world persistent PvP, and instanced battlegrounds. I wanted to provide some info and get the word out about Warhammer Online: Return of Reckoning.